I have always thought I would keep a written journal to document my accomplishments, weather and just about anything else you can think of. But there is just something about sitting down and handwriting your thoughts onto paper that totally turns me off. Don't get me wrong. I have tried before and I thoroughly enjoy now reading my thoughts but I just do not have the time to hand write anymore...thus the new day and age of computer blogging.
This blog will be dedicated to one of my dream goals I have always had...running a marathon! Since I can remember I have always been an athletic kid...softball, basketball and swimming consumed my childhood. Enter into 7th grade and cross country/track was introduced to me. A friend on the school bus joined the team and I did not because I had no idea what it entailed, I just knew I was disappointed when she did not ride the bus home with me in the afternoons. 8th Grade came and I decided to join the team. I think it was track that I joined but I'm not sure. I do have a memory of me at an away track meet and my coach put me in a long distance race, 3200m. I had no clue how many times around that was, I just knew to get out there and run my butt off. I did, and came in 2nd place. Now mind you, this is all before puberty hit me and I felt like I could run around the world and back. That summer of 8th going into 9th grade, I entered into a half marathon race and ended up coming in 3rd in my age level. Holy cow I was hooked!!!
I did run in High School both track and cross country but in track I switch to sprinting rather than long distance. I still enjoyed running but by the time I was a senior, I think I was just burned out. College came and my room mate who never ran before in her life, joined the cross country team and ended up winning States. I did think for an instance that I would join myself, but 20 mile practices totally turned me off. I had enough.
Now that I am vastly approaching my 40th birthday, I decided to do something all for myself. Something that I have wanted to do forever. I am planning on competing in the
Baltimore Marathon, October 10th.
There it is...out in the open...I finally said it publically!
I want to do this so much that every night I have been dreaming about it.
I started training in February only to be set back with an injury of 4 weeks. I recently started running again and I truly love it. I think it is because nobody is screaming at me to get up those hills (although sometimes I think I need that). This week so far consisst of running 4 on Tuesday, 6 on Thursday, 5 on Saturday and 7 on Sunday. That is where I am at in my training so far. I know the mileage is going to continue to go up and each time I run, my plan is to document my thoughts on the run, tell what I ate before during and after the runs, what the weather is like, how I felt running, who or what I ran with, occasional photos and etc. I know it may not interest most of you but throughout this journey, I would like to look back and read what I have accomplished.
So, if you care to read...read on. Or if you would like to catch up once in a while, feel free to do so.
For now, I must go and put my 6 miles in!
Run girl, run!