Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Well here it is...Tuesday and I should be running my heart out but instead I am taking care of my very sore knee. After my post on Thursday my knee just went downhill from there. Constant pain and swelling in the bursa area lead me to the chiropractor who determined that I have incredibly flat feet. This I have known about for a very long time but who would have thought it would do such damage.
Since then, I have put some old orthotics in my sneakers until the new ones come in, ice the hell out of my knee and lots of advil. Advil seems to take the edge off the pain but not fully. Each day I wake up I'm not sure what to find...today it still hurts but I can put more pressure on it now.
I did go to the orthopedic office and have a visit with a nurse practitioner who determined that it is bursitis and tendinitis. Fixable but at least two weeks out. I want to run so much...I need to run. But in the meantime I start PT tomorrow and more ice for this runner.
ice girl, ice!

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