Running this morning consisted of me, the dark skies and my thoughts. 4:50 the alarm clock rang, I tumbled out of bed, made myself a cup of coffee and got ready. It was warmer than the previous mornings (40 degrees) but still chilly enough to wear running pants, long sleeved shirt, running fleece, hat and gloves. I headed out to my running partners house where I waited for 15 minutes for her to come out. No such luck, I thought maybe she had forgotten or that maybe her husband had to leave earlier than expected to take his mom to the hospital for her knee replacement surgery this morning.
Well it was just that...so I headed out by myself into the dark. It was hard to get my breathing down as the air was so cold on my lungs. I started up one of the hills and right in front of me was a shooting star. Very cool indeed. I ran 2.2 miles and then my running partner came bolting out of her house with apologies...no big deal. I had so many different things to think about...planning my day and week, figuring out what to have for dinner, creating some pottery and more. I talked to Kim for a minute and then headed back out for another 1.1 miles. Upon running up the same hill...ANOTHER shooting star.
It is truly something special the sights and sounds you get to experience while on your runs.
Thank you nature...
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