Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 9 of injury

Well today is officially day 9 of hurting my knee and it is somewhat better. I have been going to the physical therapist 2x a week and it seems to be helping. Cortisone (not shots) and ultrasound treatments every time I go...the therapist yesterday asked me when the marathon was and I told him...his reply was "there is always next year". That totally bummed me out.
Why did it bumm me out you ask, well I have been working so hard at training and I feel like it is for nothing now. I know it is the health of my knee but I really want to accomplish this before my birthday in October. I need to do this for myself. I can't explain the reason's somewhere deep inside of me, brewing and festering. I have to do this and I think on Friday when I see the Nurse Practitioner, I will be asking for a cortisone injection. That my dear friends will be hell for me as I am a total woose when it comes to needles. Ugh...the thought just makes me sick to my stomach.
So any of you out there...if you have any suggestions, please comment!!

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